Tuesday 3 June 2014

New School, and the environment - Claire

Claire joined VIBGYOR school for the 1st standard. She was in Kidzee till last year.
Claire was sent to JuzzKids daycare when she was just 7th moths old. She was grown up in that environment and it was a second home for her. When she turned 4, she got admission in Kidzee, which was in the same building and was managed by the same management of JuzzKids. She was excited to go to Kidzee but it was easy for her to adapt. There was always a lot of people around her with who she grew up.
VIGYOR is a bigger school and has got a big building and a huge ground. It was all different for her. She must have got frightened, excited, and felt lonely when she went to the school for the first day.
Her excitement got over when I took her to the school for the first day. She wore the new uniform and her new bag. Even the socks were provided by the school and the name of the school was written on it. She liked the new environment. But she did not find anyone who she knew in the school and the class rooms were so big. And everything new. She could not stop thinking about the school. We went to sleep early but, she kept on talking about the school and to her teachers in the dream.  Ahilaa, her mother, could not sleep well as she got disturbed with this. She kept on asking Claire to sleep. There was a mixed feeling in her that she even said she wanted to go to toilet in the night.

In the morning Claire got up with a fewer it was 101 in the thermometer. She wanted to go to the school but she is not well. I asked her if she liked the school. She said that she liked the school. And so she took a days leave and I am working from home for the first half and will go to office in the second half when Ahilaa will work from home in the second half.